
The program goal is to enhance lives of vulnerable children (Orphans and those from needy homesteads) to live a dignified Life.

We have various child sponsorship activities that include child identification and registration , parents’ sensitization , payment of school fees, provision of scholastic materials and other personal effects, Child counseling and guidance, home and school visits. Sponsored children will have an equal opportunity in life. It is hoped that they will utilize the skills to create jobs and earn a living sustainably.

Activities include:-
•Children conferences and camps conducted annually.

•Sponsorship scheme for education in school.

•Provision with scholastic materials and school uniform.

•Mobilization of Prayer and porridge children’s clubs or groups around church communities.

•Self-help groups with grants for families to run small businesses to supplement on educational needs of the children.

•Primary health care (PHC) in various villages and communities for conducive environment for children.

•Goat project for nutritional supplements of children and household income.
N.B. Self-confidence and general welfare of the children has greatly improved as a result of bringing them together in the camps/conferences, prayer and porridge projects.Their love for God is evidenced in their spiritual expressions e.g. singing and praising God and testimonies shared.